“Elon Musk Targeted by AI as ‘One of the Most Significant Spreaders of Misinformation on X'” In an unexpected turn of events, Elon Musk...
Cardi B has some words for Candace Owens after the conservative political commentator suggested the rapper’s endorsement of Kamala Harris was financially motivated. In...
In the world of sports, few names are as synonymous with raw power and dominance as Mike Tyson. But even the “Baddest Man on the...
In a stunning turn of events, pop superstar Taylor Swift has publicly responded to Tesla CEO Elon Musk after he made a sarcastic comment about...
In a fiery critique on his television show, Piers Morgan has blasted Jake Paul for his recent claim of defeating boxing legend Mike Tyson in...
Taylor Swift Reportedly Loses 5 Million Followers Overnight Amid Elon Musk’s Calls for Blocking and Boycotting; Kardashian Family Also Loses Over 3 Million Followers!” Title: Taylor...
In court, P Diddy’s A-list friends won’t speak out because they are scared to death. According to a public relations specialist, Sean Diddy Combs’ well-known...
In a groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through both the tech and entertainment industries, Elon Musk has announced a $1 billion investment in a...
In a stunning turn of events, actor Gary Sinise has announced the abrupt end of his highly anticipated $500 million collaboration with Hollywood legend Tom...
While fighting continued in Gaza and Lebanon on Thursday, a United Nations special committee said that Israeli policies and practices in Gaza are “consistent with...