Elon Musk, known for his immense wealth and pioneering work in technology and space exploration, has a surprisingly modest approach to life, even when it comes...
Flying during the holiday season often feels like navigating a crowded maze, but for one woman, it turned into a battleground for personal space and societal...
X filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a coalition of major advertisers, claiming that it had violated antitrust laws by...
Kid Rock called Whoopi Goldberg a “fr*ud” after the television icon endorsed a controversial political candidate. The musician’s blunt criticism came via social media, sparking a...
Rick Harrison, the well-known star of the reality TV show “Pawn Stars,” has recently opened up about the devastating loss of his son, Adam Harrison, who...
Christina Hall has publicly rebuked her estranged husband Josh Hall following his recent Instagram post, adding fuel to their ongoing divorce dispute. On August 1, Josh,...
Ben Affleck’s Lavish New Mansion Fuels Divorce Speculation Picture Source: GettyImages Ben Affleck has made headlines once again, but this time not for his Hollywood career....