BREAKING NEWS: Prince Harry’s Security Boss Takes Swipe at UK Government.

The British government have been labeled “uncooperative” by a security boss at the firm that oversees Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s protection in the United States.
In a quote given to People magazine, which has run a profile on Harry’s legal bid to have his full-time state-funded police protection reinstated in his home country, Joe Funk, the senior vice president of TorchStone Global, said that the royal and his wife face a number of threats.
“The U.K. government acknowledges numerous threats against them, but we are not privy to specific details due to lack of cooperation,” Funk told the outlet.
When approached by Newsweek, a government spokesperson said: “The U.K. Government’s protective security system is rigorous and proportionate. It is our long-standing policy not to provide detailed information on those arrangements, as doing so could compromise their integrity and affect individuals’ security.
“It would not be appropriate to comment on ongoing legal proceedings,” the government spokesperson added.
Funk’s comment on Harry’s security comes after the prince revealed in a recent British documentary on unlawful activity perpetrated by the tabloid press that he won’t take Meghan to his birth-country over fears of acid and knife attacks.
“All it takes is one lone actor, one lone person who reads this stuff to act on what they have read, and whether it’s a knife or acid or whatever it is, these are things that are a genuine concern for me,” Harry told journalist Rebecca Barry in the Tabloids on Trial one-off special in July.
“It’s one of the reasons why I won’t bring my wife back to this country,” the prince added.