In a fiery critique on his television show, Piers Morgan has blasted Jake Paul for his recent claim of defeating boxing legend Mike Tyson in...
Taylor Swift Reportedly Loses 5 Million Followers Overnight Amid Elon Musk’s Calls for Blocking and Boycotting; Kardashian Family Also Loses Over 3 Million Followers!” Title: Taylor...
In court, P Diddy’s A-list friends won’t speak out because they are scared to death. According to a public relations specialist, Sean Diddy Combs’ well-known...
In a groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through both the tech and entertainment industries, Elon Musk has announced a $1 billion investment in a...
In a stunning turn of events, actor Gary Sinise has announced the abrupt end of his highly anticipated $500 million collaboration with Hollywood legend Tom...
While fighting continued in Gaza and Lebanon on Thursday, a United Nations special committee said that Israeli policies and practices in Gaza are “consistent with...
Trump Roasts Elon Musk Over His ‘Non-Stop’ Mar-a-Lago Visits: ‘I Can’t Get Him Out of Here!’ Mar-a-Lago, FL – November 15, 2024 ...
November 15, 2024 — In a controversial move that has sparked heated debate across social media, Elon Musk, the CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has...
Undercover Heartbreak: a Memoir of Trust and Trauma’ was released on Oct. 28, by the secret service agent, who had been assigned to protect Barack Obama,...
Sylvester Stallone praised Trump as a second George Washington, while Trump celebrated his election victory and commended Elon Musk’s intelligence and support. At a glitzy...